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1  One to one communication: People needing needed to help can contact the Priest either :- privately by e-mail or through our chat room for public response. 

2  There will be weekly Irunmole worship-ose with lessons. 

3  There will be monthly Irunmole general worship-ose (Itadogun) with lectures. 

4  There will be a discussion room for the members to participate in discussing their latest views on the state of our religion. 

5  Featuring the latest news on our religion. 

6  Initiation, divination, healing and the core of the religious learning require personal contact with the Priest. 

7  End of the year (DEC) spiritual and religious services will be taking place in Germany and members are free to attend, those that can not attend can request for the new year divination through the online services. General message for the YTR practitioners will be relayed immediately after the end of the service. 

8  Initiation can only take place annually in Nigeria in July/August. 

9  Irunmole festivals take place annually in Germany - June, and Nigeria - July. 

10  Every member who needs spiritual/religious services must get them within 24 hours. 

11  Members child have a sense of congregation and see themselves as one. 

12  All entries on this site must directly relate to Irunmole. All entries of a personal nature must be clearly labelled as such with the person’s identity. 

13  To some extent, child naming ceremony, marriage's and other ceremonies can be made online. 

14  Membership is open to any one who believes in YTR world-wide. 

15  It is purely a Yoruba Traditional Religious site. 

16  After the demise of the leader, the Ibile Faith Congregation Online can come together to choose another able Priest or Priestess as their leader. 

17  Every member of the congregation is free to ask any question concerning the activities of the congregation. 

18  The congregation should run an open-door policy. 

19  All founding members of the congregation should be recognized for their pioneering sacrifice and their foresight.

20  The propagation of Irunmole, and to benefit oneself from Irunmole ways are the paramount aims of this online congregation. 

21  Doing everything for the sake of Irunmole as assigned by the Ibile Faith Online Congregation. 

22  Exchanging ideas and opinions based on YTR. 

This will be by voluntary member contributions, donations and sponsors. Your donations may be tax deductible.

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